endre slider størrelse: (hvis man bruker default Bright mouse /usr/share/themes/Stardust_bright_mouse/gtk-2.0 ctrl-f slider width 25 Bruke chrome som default browser: Go to usr/local/bin and find the defaultbrowser file. Open it as text. Change the command from palemoon to: exec googlechrome "$@" /usr/local/lib/X11/themes --------------------------- Start hiawatha at boot slacko: legg hiawatha.desktop i /.config/autostart (create link, relative) tahr: -- /Startup/Autostart Lag blank fil - legg inn: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application NoDisplay=true Name=hiawatha Exec=hiawatha lagre som hiawatha.desktop ---------------------------- Broken cups after chrome install /initrd/pup_rw set properties to standard