PuppyLinux Reference CardA short guide to common commandsTo be used in cli (no X-Server running) or within a terminal.Version: 0.01b (2010-04-11) Created by: aragon |
System | |
fixmenus | update windowmanager-menus |
(wm)poweroff | shutdown your system (from within X) |
(wm)reboot | reboot your system (from within X) |
xwin COMMAND | starts the x-server. COMMAND should be the startcommand of your WM (e.g. startjwm) |
User | |
passwd* | change password |
System Info | |
cat /etc/puppyversion | display puppyversion |
cat /etc/windowmanager | display actual windowmanager |
date | display the current date and time |
cal | display a monthly calendar |
uptime | display current uptime |
uname -a | display kernel information |
uname -r | display kernel version |
cat /proc/cpuinfo | display cpu information |
dmesg | display kernel (and driver) messages |
free | display memory and swap usage |
df | display disk usage |
du -h /PATH/DIR | display summarized disk usage for /PATH/DIR |
env | displays the actual environment |
hardinfo -r -f txt > FILE | creates a hardware-report as FILE |
probepart -m | display info about partitions |
Logfiles | |
/tmp/bootkernel.log | Kernel-Boot-Log |
/tmp/bootsysinit.log | Sysinit-Log |
/tmp/xerrs.log | X messages |
/var/log/messages | Kernel messages |
Files & Directories | |
ls | directory listing |
ls -al | formatted listing with hidden files and verbose information |
cd DIR | change directory to childdir DIR |
cd /PATH/DIR | change directory to /PATH/DIR |
cd .. | one dir up |
cd - | change to last directory |
cd | change to home |
pwd | display current directory |
mkdir DIR | create a directory in the actual path |
mkdir /PATH/DIR | create a directory in PATH |
mkdir -p /PATH/DIR | create a directory in PATH even if not all dirs in PATH exist |
rm FILE* | delete FILE |
rm -r DIR* | delete DIR |
cp FILE1 FILE2 | copy FILE1 to FILE2 |
cp -r DIR1 DIR2 | copy DIR1 to DIR2, create DIR2 if it does not exist |
mv FILE1 FILE2 | rename or move FILE1 to FILE2 if FILE2 is an existing directory, moves FILE1 into directory FILE2 |
ln -s FILE LINK | create symbolic link LINK to FILE |
touch FILE | create FILE |
command > FILE | (re-)places output of command in FILE |
command >> FILE | appends output of command to FILE |
command < FILE | use FILE as input for command |
command1 | command2 | use output of command1 as input for command2 |
cat FILE | display the content of FILE |
tac FILE | display the content of FILE from last to first line |
head FILE | display the first 10 lines of FILE |
tail FILE | display the last 10 lines of FILE |
tail -f FILE | display the content of FILE as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines |
mp FILE | open FILE with mp text editor |
file FILE | gives info about FILE |
Process Management | |
ps | display your active processes |
top | display all running processes |
kill PID | kill process with id PID* |
killall PROCESS | kill all processes named PROCESS* |
Searching | |
grep PATTERN FILES | search for PATTERN in FILES |
grep -nR PATTERN DIR | search recursively for PATTERN in files in DIR (output with line-nr.) |
command | grep PATTERN | search for PATTERN in the output of command |
which COMMAND | show location of COMMAND in path |
Compression | |
tar cvf file.tar FILES | create a tar containing FILES |
tar xvf file.tar | extract a tar |
tar cvzf file.tar.gz FILES | create a tar with Gzip compression containing FILES |
tar xvzf file.tar.gz | extract a tar with Gzip compression |
tar cvjf file.tar.bz2 FILES | create a tar with Bzip2 compression containing FILES |
tar xvjf file.tar.bz2 | extract a tar with Bzip2 compression |
unzip file.zip | extract a zip-file |
gzip FILE file.gz | compresses FILE and renames it |
gzip -d file.gz | decompresses file.gz back to FILE |
Network | |
wget URLTO/FILE | download FILE to the actual dir |
wget -c URLTO/FILE | continue the download of FILE |
ifconfig | display info about your network |
iwconfig | display info about your wlan |
Shortcuts | |
Ctrl+C | ends the current command |
Ctrl+R | search for a recent command |
UP / DOWN | navigate the command history |
TAB | command-completion for input |
TAB+TAB | display possible commands for input |
Bootcodes | |
pfix=ram | do not load a save_file |
pfix=fsck | do a filesystem-check for pup_save |
pfix=nox | do not start the X-Server |
Diverse | |
export VARIABLE | setup a variable for the current session |
echo $VARIABLE | display the actual value of a variable |
alias command='newcommand' | newcommand will be executed if command is called |
unalias command | Remove an alias |
alias -p | displays all actual aliasses |
*Use with (extreme) caution |
Thanks: My special thanks go to Barry Kauler for Puppy Linux in general and to Bruce B especially for 'The Text-User Interface' (http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=44123). |